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Dutch A1.16: Daily routines

Dagelijkse routines

Vocabulary (1)

 Werken (to work) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Jullie werken te veel over deze week.


You work too much overtime this week. Show



To work Show

Conversation exercise

  1. Vertel op welk uur Raul welke activiteit doet. (Tell at what hour Raul does what activity.)
  2. Beschrijf je dagelijkse routine. (Describe your daily routine.)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Om 7:00 wordt Raul wakker.

At 7:00 Raul wakes up.

Om kwart over zeven doucht Raul.

At quarter past seven Raul showers.

Raul gaat om half twaalf 's nachts naar bed.

Raul lies down at half past eleven at night.

Ik sta op om half acht.

I get up at half past seven.

Ik ontbijt om kwart voor acht.

I have breakfast at quarter to eight.

Ik ga om tien uur 's avonds naar bed.

I lie down at ten in the evening.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (1): Verbs: 1,

Dutch English
Werken To work

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